

Life is full of battles you don’t have to fight alone.

Here are a collection of recourses for educators, parents and students. You will find them color coded so that you can easily click to revel what your looking for. Check back often as we are always adding new ones. If Eric is coming to your community there are helpful resources for each program offered.



Below you will find a pre and post resources for Painting Hope School Programs. We encourage you to use the pre and post assembly interviews to gauge for yourself the effectiveness of our programs. Be sure to check out our sample report card from other educators. Most give us a A+ and we where only tardy once.



You can’t do this alone and we know this. We have tried to help collect resources for you to be the best parent you can at any given moment. It will take knowledge and action to make the best moments come to light. Remember, a childhood is one of many things that only come once, so lets both do our best.



Listen, if your here that means that you are just about ready to change the world. Any student that would dig this deep past the surface of social media has got a major plan for their own life. So let us help you change your school. You will find some things you can do before or after an assembly with Eric to keep the message going!

A Collection of Free Resources

Educator  Resources

Parent  Resources

Student  Resources

A Collection of Eric’s Videos

Eric Samuel Timm of No One Underground
Promo Spot

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Upside Down Jesus Painting

Eric Samuel Timm Paints with Billy Graham

Eric Samuel Timm Huge Manga Eye Painting on roof.

Eric Samuel Timm Speaking at a University

Eric Painting/Speaking at a Concert Venue between Bands

The Beautiful Unfinished Mess

Repaint Jesus and Religion

Eric Samuel Timm speaking at Youth Conference


Recommendations for Eric Samuel Timm

“It is very inspiring; holds students attention and is appropriate material.”

– Diane Cordes, Director, Minnewaska Day Treatment

“The presentation was thought provoking and students were on the edge of their seats.”

– Robert Brakke, Assistant Principal, Discovery Middle School

“Was one of the best School Speakers we have hosted.”

– Dan Hein-Activities Director Wausau West High School

“Students were attentive and focused. They appeared to enjoy and relate to the message. I heard only positive comments from students.”

– Richard Schneider, Principal, Blue Earth Area High School

“This message is exactly what our students needed to hear in this fast-paced, instant gratification, cyber world they live in.”

– Amy Sack, Assistant Principal, Jefferson High School